30 miles over 5 days one way
134 songs played on the iPod over 2 days
Goal Met - Multi Day Backpacking Trip
In Attendance - Kevin & Courtney Castanos, Mark & Nancy Wathen, Mike & Sherilee Nimon
After many months of planning we finally started our hike through the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne River. Originally there was going to be 12 of us and slowly people started dropping out with lame excuses like, My Grandfather died, I can’t miss school, etc. The hike starts from Tuolumne Meadows in Upper Yosemite National Park, a lovely 3 hour drive from Fresno.
The first day after driving up to the park, getting our permits, renting some bear canisters and repacking our food and hygiene items in said bear canisters, we were off like a herd of turtles. Actually the first day was fairly easy and our shortest day. We went from Tuolumne Meadows to just past Glen Aulin High Sierra Camp (about 5.5 miles). On the way we were swarmed by mosquitoes, passed many beautiful waterfalls and enjoyed the general splendor of the meadows and granite mountains. We reached Glen Aulin and polled the group to see if we wanted to continue on or stop there for the night. We decided to stay away from the crowds and continue on. We didn’t get that far though because just past Glen Aulin was a hill you come down and at the bottom was a really nice campsite that we decided to grab.

The second day we got started a little on the later side, we took our time packing up. The Marmots got our butter and soap. It was 10:30 by the time we put our packs on and started hiking down the valley. We followed right along the river passing huge pools of water and climbing over granite pathways and bridges. On this day we passed the famous falls called Waterwheel. The granite under one set of waterfalls is shaped in such a way that it makes the waterfall hit the groove and flip back up on itself.

The third day as we were getting ready and starting breakfast we saw another hiker and then realized that it was a ranger. This young man came down the trail to talk to us. We kept him there for about 30-45 minutes just asking him questions and talking about the trail. He informed us that we had not gone as far as we thought we had, we were about 1 mile short of where we wanted to be. That motivated everyone to get a move on, but we didn’t leave the campsite until 11am. Luckily for us though, we knew there would be a trail marker at the next place we needed to stop because it was a trail junction. We started out the hike strong, with everyone really clipping along. Then we came upon the difficult part of the trail. We ran into one small rattlesnake that my dad set rattling. I nearly had an anxiety attack right then and there, but he went back into his hole. Just past there was a 3 mile section that we had to go straight up the side of the mountain and then come back down on the other side. We all did it, but it was crazy difficult, it was a good taste of what we would have to do the next day for 4 miles. We stopped at the very top to enjoy the view and some lunch. We went straight down the mountain after that. We came across a creek that had a waterfall coming off of it. We stopped to refill our water containers and then we had to cross the stream with our shoes off as there was no bridge.

The fourth day began just as the light hit the sky. We packed up and were on the trail by 6:30am, the sun was shining bright enough to see the path. We went about a mile on a gradual uphill trail along the river. We ran into one rattlesnake on the trail but he was slow and not too interested in us so I didn’t have to run too fast to get past him. Then we went through a swarm of mosquitoes that seemed to really like Courtney. After that point the trail was up. Just up with more up and for the fun of it, more up. I stopped a lot along the way but there was beautiful scenery and very quickly we got high enough that I wasn’t too scared that a snake would pop out at me. Along the trail I could see the valley we had just hiked through and the river getting smaller and smaller. The boys were ahead of us but Nancy and Courtney waited up for me. We reached a point where you could look down at all of Hetch Hetchy and then we kept going up. My dad left the water filter behind at one point so that we could refill our water bottles, and it was perfectly timed as I was just about out. Along the way we met a man coming down the hill who said they had seen a bear the day before but we never saw the bear. Then when we reached the very top of the hillside/mountain/canyon wall we had been climbing we found the hiking pole they had left behind that lead to our camp. There was much rejoicing from us all. We made it to the top just before noon (about 4.5 miles). All of us stripped off our packs as fast as can be and headed down to the creek that was running next to the campsite. It felt so good to stick my feet in and wash my face. Then I went and took a nap in the tent for while. We all kind of lazed around the campsite until dinner time reading and talking and sleeping. Nancy made humus, we found 6 carrots left over from the second night’ dinner and we had pita bread, it tasted so good. Then my dad and I boiled water for our freeze dried lasagna dinner from REI. Everyone added their leftover dried veggies and we made a great dinner, or at least it was food, and we didn’t really care if it was good or not. Then my dad and I broke out the chocolate truffles and red port that we had brought for our dessert. Kevin and Mark pulled out their last cigars. It was fantastic. We decided that the next day everyone was going to get up early and hike out so that we could catch the bus back to the car. Originally it was only going to be my dad but then we had to still return the bear canisters to the ranger station in Tuolumne Meadows, a 45 minute drive one way in the wrong direction. We went to bed even earlier that night with full stomachs.
The fifth morning stared at 4am in the dark of the morning. We packed our bags without eating breakfast and were on the trail by 5:15am. This day I was not moving very fast. My legs and glutes were screaming at me for doing this to them 5 days in a row. My dad stayed back with me. The trail went up for a good 2 miles like the day before. Then the last 3 miles were fairly flat through a wooded meadow. I was slow going uphill but on the flat my dad and I booked.

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